About Us

The Costume Vault is a division of Stage Hanna, located in Hanna Alberta. Established in 2022, The Costume Vault has almost 1000 pieces of men's, women's and  children's apparel.

Be it a single garment or a full wardrobe, The Costume Vault specializes in collecting and providing unique pieces, accessories, hand props and full costumes for Stage Hanna productions. Phase Two of this project will be to open our catalogue to the greater public and to theatre groups in neighboring communities.

Any revenue from the rental of custumes goes back into maintaining the catalogue and the fees that are required to maintain storage for our inventory.

The Costume Vault volunteers and the Stage Hanna board of directors are very grateful for the support received from the community for this project. Not-for-profits such as the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale and the Thrift Store generously contact us when they have received a vintage or otherwise unique item that may enhance our collection. Private donations of estate or vintage clothing, jewelry, shoes, handbags or accessories are graciously accepted.